Who Is Andy?

A family man, a U.S. Military veteran, a Polynesian tattoo artist, a Samoan chief.

Andy was born in Fagaalu, American Samoa and immigrated to San Francisco at the age of 6. Growing up rough in poverty and constantly conflicting with the law, Andy leads a dangerous life of crime. In a desperate effort to escape, he attempts to join the U.S. military. They refuse, but Andy returns every day for 3 months straight. Determined and committed, they finally enlist him. He runs 3 tours in the U.S. Army where he learns discipline, humility and gains brothers-in-arms turned family. After his service, Andy studies and earns a degree in graphic design and focuses his attention on tattooing and raising his family in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

When his father Nusipepa Li’o falls ill, he passes down their legendary Mata’afa Paramount High Chief title down to Andy. The chiefly title of Mata’afa is one of the highest titles you can receive in Samoa. In the 19th and 20th century, Mata’afa was the candidate for kingship. He won many battles during the Samoan Civil Wars and in 1900, was declared the High Chief by German Samoan powers.

After his father’s death in 2018, Andy is deeply saddened and overwhelmed by the weight of this inherited responsibility, but this is where his story truly begins.  After 32 years, Andy must go back to his father’s village of Sauano in the Fagaloa Bay of Upolu in American Samoa and receive the chief title. He will also receive the Pe’a which is the traditional Samoan full-body tattoo performed in the ancient tapping method. Andy will discover his roots, relearn the traditional ways of his people and most importantly, honor the legacy of his father. 

With plans of opening his own tattoo shop in Colorado Springs which will specialize in Polynesian tribal design, and developing a non-profit art program for at-risk youth, Andy will return home a chief, a leader, an artist, a Samoan-American inspired to educate and uplift his community.