American Matai
American Matai
Rising from a dark past in the Bay Area slums, an ex-military Samoan tattoo artist must uncover his roots back 32 years to the South Pacific Islands to inherit a legendary chief title, receive an ancient full-body tattoo and educate his family about their beautiful culture.
Our Mission
This feature length documentary film American Matai tells the story of Samoan-American Andy Lio as he transforms into a Samoan Matai chief, learns about the ancient ways of the tatau tattooing methods and receives a full-body Pe’a tattoo, and discovers his Polynesian culture. We believe the beauty of culture is its expression of who we are as people. If we lose our culture, we lose ourselves.
The United States is a melting pot of cultures. We wish to inspire audiences to explore their own rich heritage and learn and connect with people across the globe. Andy’s story resembles many American’s stories of immigrating from another country for a better opportunity and making a way for themselves. Yet the knowledge and traditions from your home can easily get lost, so it’s our job to preserve and perpetuate that forward. That is Andy’s mission and we are here to film it.

The Tattoo
Over the course of 7 days, Andy will receive the full-body Pe’a tattoo with sessions lasting 10 hours– all struck the traditional way with needles and stick. We explore this art and ritual of Tatau (tattoo) and delve into issues of cultural appropriation of the indigenous Samoan tradition. Tattooing is a part of the Samoan culture and they use it to preserve history and tell stories. Tattooing dates to the beginning of Samoan history and this film explores that exciting tale. Andy himself is a tattoo artist and is enthusiastic to explore the history, ceremonial ritual, tapping techniques and traditional designs involved.

1.3 million Pacific Islanders live in the U.S., yet only 1 film The Orator (2011) was made with a full Samoan cast. Besides Moana (2016) and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, there is no on-screen representation in film or television. We wish to change that.